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Active ingredient patent for immunostimulation against cancer and SARS-CoV-2 seeks buyer

A patent from the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen for immune stimulation is up for sale. It involves naturally occurring molecules from the hop plant. According to research reports, extensive laboratory tests on human cells and tissue samples, as well as initial studies on volunteers, show a high direct and indirect (by means of immune stimulation) efficacy of the molecules against cancer cells, and directly against the COVID-19 pathogen (SARS-CoV-2), while at the same time being very well tolerated.

When Prof. Dr. Dr. Venturelli and PD Dr. Busch at the University Hospital in Tübingen began screening the prenylflavonoid molecule group a good ten years ago, they had no idea what a sensational find they were on the trail of. The starting material was hops, which have been considered beneficial to health for centuries already.

In the case of the two prenyl flavonoids 6- and 8-prenylnaringanine (6-PN and 8-PN), they say they found confirmation of a molecular effect that other researchers were already on the trail of: These flavonoids can inhibit human tumor cells growth.

The two experts continued their research and additionally discovered a previously unknown stimulating activity of the flavonoid molecules on certain immune cells, the so-called natural killer cells.

One of the researching physicians, dermatologist PD Dr. Busch, tested the direct effect on cells of black skin cancer (melanoma). Among other things, the cells came directly from a patient with metastatic melanoma, which showed a marked resistance to existing chemotherapeutic agents.

Direct and indirect antitumor effect better than with classical tumor drugs

Using different methods, the molecular mechanisms of action of the two molecules 6-PN and 8-PN were characterized in the course and compared with common anti-cancer drugs - with equally convincing results, according to the researchers. "Even at low doses, a significant reduction in tumor growth was observed after a very short time," explains Prof. Dr. Dr. Venturelli. At the same time, the newly discovered immune stimulation greatly increased the activity of human natural killer cells, he said. This means that natural killer cells that come into contact with the two substances can kill human cancer cells more efficiently and thus support the body's self-healing process. "So in sum, a double benefit for the patient," says Prof. Dr. Dr. Venturelli.

In a recently launched series of experiments, the newly discovered molecules were also tested as active agents specifically against SARS-CoV--infected2 cells. Here, too, the series of experiments conducted by several independent laboratories had yielded astonishing results. "Even at low doses, one of the two molecules in particular was able to prevent replication of the virus and thus infection of further cells," the researchers explain. The reason for this, they say, is the direct binding of the active ingredient to an enzyme essential for virus replication, which leads to inhibition of virus spread.

Now the next step towards commercialization is to be taken: The international patents for the two molecules, which have since been granted, are available for sale or can be used within the framework of licensing. "Due to its natural occurrence, the molecule group is ideally suited as a food supplement," explains Prof. Dr. Dr. Venturelli. "However, functional foods or beverages are also conceivable, as well as use as herbal medicines.”

Further information is available from InTraCoM GmbH ( The patents have been evaluated here using different methods, and different business cases have also already been examined.

(image source: pixabay)



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